
  • Saturday, November 30, 2013
  • By hannahboomzx

Exams are finally over! Alhamdulillah, and thankfully all my papers are doable. Now just praying i'm able score. In Shaa Allah. 

So what another interesting thing that happened this week was my 18th birthday! Yay! So well, my birthday (mini) celebrations dragged for three days. It wasn't much, but I definitely enjoyed myself 

Outfit: Ribbon headband, DIVA | Red shawl, TudungPeople | Lace dress, Cotton On | F21 jeans | Creepers, @sweetcarosel, instagram

I was confused whether the school was being a sweetheart to give me a break in between papers or just hate me for making me mug so hard for a paper I didn't really want to study for. In short, my 18th birthday was well... memorable. Not in the good way if that's what you were thinking. It wasn't like anything I expected. Ps: If you're reading, I still hate you for what you did to me. 

So when I woke up that morning, I was just very confused on what to wear. I felt like wearing something different but the heat that day was preventing me to do so. So I just figured, be comfy. Be me. I'm guilty for being such a horrendous outfit repeater but I can't help but love this dress! It has the right amount of being feminine and casual. Plus, it showed off my shoes and my new watch perfectly. 

My parents are the kind who would usually ask what we wanted for our birthdays every year. Being my 18th, I wanted something memorable. I wanted something usable, something versatile, and something that makes my outfit shine. 
So I figured, why not get a watch? There's just something so intriguing about watches that just ties your whole outfit together. It's a simple yet strong statement to your own personal style. I wanted a watch that had a mildly feminine look together with a slight of manly-ness to it.I pondered over different types and brands of watches and settled for this.  
I know Marc by Marc Jacobs is probably a very mainstream brand but as I was browsing through, this was one  of the only watches that catches my eye. I loved how the watch was slightly oversized on my wrist, giving it a very 'manly' feel. The rich emerald green leather strap, face and the gold rims just equalises and gives it a very feminine look. And I absolutely loved it. Thank you mama and baba <3

This watch just feels so precious to me I promise it's only for occasions when I go out with friends/families and occasional times to school e.g presentations. I wore it twice for my exams and I just got so paranoid I would hurt it or something. 


If there's one thing you need to know about me, is that I have and insane obsession over Elmo. Insane I tell you. I've had Elmo soft toys, Elmo ipod cover, Elmo ipod home button, Elmo files, even an Elmo watch. If i walk past anything Elmo, I'm sure to get my hands on it! So I thought, why not get myself a birthday present? Which resulted in this - An Elmo t-shirt from Bossini. I was so happy to get it I wore it to school the next day! 

But then, my girls from school decided to have a little surprise for me. And yes, was I surprised. I went into the exam hall seeing three Elmo balloons sitting by the side of the room. In some ways, I knew those balloons were for me but I definitely didn't expect anyone to get it for me. (Although it's been my dream for someone to get it for me) So thank you girls, from making year 2 a whole lot more wacky to such a wonderful surprise. <3

Floral headband, @flowerdust (instagram) | Fav mint TudungPeople shawl | Tailored long sleeved skater dress |
This sure is a long post. But well, thank you to everyone for your well wishes on my birthday. Nothing made me happier than to receive those texts/whatsapps/twitter mention/instagram comments. It really really made my day. 'A year older, a year wiser.' In Shaa Allah, being 18 is able to change me into a better person, daughter, sister, friend, nurse and most importantly, a better muslimah. It's going to be difficult, but I'm not expecting to change overnight. Baby steps, and In Shaa Allah, I'll be the person, Allah and I want to be. Amin. 

With love, hanah xx

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