Back for good?

  • Sunday, October 08, 2017
  • By hannahboomzx

Well hellooo. It's been a while eh? A very long, long while. Last update was in January and boy has a lot changed since then.

For starters, I've come a long, long way from this sad, heart-broken poor little child. The whole breakup experience was indeed traumatizing and something I'm still recovering from, but I (think) I'm a lot better, a lot happier. 


Secondly, i guess the main reason why this page has been dead for the longest time is because I have converted from a fashion-y person to a makeup person (You could tell from my ig tbh)

I started doing full face makeup (eye shadow + foundation + eyebrows + bronzer + highlight and basically the whole shabang) late last year when I made an impromptu decision to get a couple of sephora's single eye shadow and a couple of their brushes as an experiment to see how well I can pull of this whole eye shadow look thing. A month later, for my 21st birthday, I got quite a few (high-end) (forever thankful) eye shadow palettes and my collection has been on growing rapidly ever since. I became such a makeup enthusiast, watching YouTube tutorials on different looks and experimenting on bright, fun colours. 

I didn't realize how quickly my skills developed and I soon found myself doing engagement makeups for some of my close friends. It really is just so therapeutic, eye shadows into perfection and transforming plain janes. My looks ranges from mega glam with the glitters and what not to subtle simple nude looks. I was so driven at one point in time to create a YouTube page to film myself doing tutorials and what not (I ig-storied a few looks). 

Buuuuuttttttt I'm insanely lazy to sit down to edit footage so I just let it slide up till now. I might do it, possibly, one day. In shaa Allah. (But we all know this is a 99% never gonna happen In shaa Allah) Makeup became my little escape from everything for a little while. And I'll always be so pleased with whatever it turns out to be. I still have a long way to go in this and I still have skills I need to polish and techniques to try but I do hope one day I'll have the courage to post a full makeup tutorial on YouTube. But until then, I guess the picture will have to do. (Ironically I stopped documenting my makeup journey after I got better) 


But I guess even with all that I do feel like I somewhat hit rock bottom with my goals and my dreams and I feel like I'm stuck in a rut waiting for the right time to escape. Maybe I'm not being thankful enough? Or maybe I'm not trying hard enough. I could just be hormonal? I.... shall save this for another time eh?

Until then,
With love, Hannah xx

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